Saturday, November 01, 2008

IEEE Sensors Conference

I recently attended the IEEE Sensors Conference in Lecce, Italy and had a wonderful time learning about technology and meeting colleagues from around the world. The area was very beautiful, especially visiting the coastline and seeing all the architecture. I also ate some really wonderful local food!

I am honored to announce that I won the First Prize in the Best Student Paper competition. It feels very nice to have my thesis work noticed and appreciated. Below, you can see a photo of me accepting the award.

It was my first time out of the U.S. and was very enjoyable. I don't know if I'll ever go back to Lecce, but I can't wait to travel some more!

High Quality VHS Capture on a Budget in 2020 - Part I: Choosing a VCR

Introduction I recently inherited a few dozen family videos on VHS and VHS-C going back to the early 1980's. Along with this haul came a...