Sunday, September 11, 2005

First Post - Woot!

Hello! I'm going to start posting to this site in the future instead of my old webpage that's currently hosted on my computer, Brad Farnsworth on the Web. Hopefully this will work out well for me. If it's a lot easier to post, I might update more often. For now, I'm just getting this site in place and not really publicizing its existence. What do you think, should I switch to this format?

1 comment:

Miyazaki-san said...

Welcome to Blogspot, and stuff. I look forward to reading more posts by you!

High Quality VHS Capture on a Budget in 2020 - Part I: Choosing a VCR

Introduction I recently inherited a few dozen family videos on VHS and VHS-C going back to the early 1980's. Along with this haul came a...